A new irrigation system for corn fields was launched in Adygee

A new irrigation system for corn fields was introduced by LLC "KRASNODAR AGROALYANS". Corn is the main local crop. It occupies 4 thousand hectares out of 5.5 thousand hectares, which are cultivated here. Not ordinary corn is grown in the farm, but for popcorn production. Popcorn is quite rare to grow in Russia. That's why its cultivating is very beneficial. About 12 thousand tons of such maize are grown in the republic every year. Thanks to this, popcorn from Adygea can be found on the shelves of the whole country - from the south of Russia, to the Far East.
Popcorn varieties are quite infused. They need individual treatment and stable moisture levels. "It's vital to provide each plant with necessary moisture level within the first 20 days before its paniculate and, then, within next 20 days, while the ear formation is in process" says KAGRO's Agronomist Alexander Voronin. To keep fields, moisturized permanently, KAGRO has purchased three sprinkling installations, conducted irrigation system line and installed diesel pumps near the river Fars. The amount of 45 million rubles was spent, 25% of which returned with subsidies within the governmental program on irrigation of agricultural lands.
Mineral fertilizers are also applying in the fields, accrodingly. Watering sectors have been moving through the field without stopping for almost 2 weeks. 450 meters of irrigation pipes and sprayers deliver moisture to crops 24 hours a day. Similar irrigation systems are already used in Stavropol and Krasnodar regions. Due to irrigation, many our neighboors become capable to increase corn yield by to 2 to 3 times. If local farmers are going to keep using irrigation furthely, this will increase the popcorn area by almost a thousand hectares.